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In this post we will look at the entrepreneur who offers their services as a content writer.

AI bots are the rage these days and they permeate every facet of the commercial world.

I will share with you a short story that was writan by an AI, with me only providing the title for inspiration.

The Entrepreneur by RJ Samuels and Orrin Theodolfsson

"what makes an entrepreneur different from everybody else?

i believe it is a willingness to invest in whatever business you start, and the ability to get your hands on good equipment, and people willing to work with you

When Jaskier first saw his future he thought of himself as the most humble man alive. He’d always prided himself on his ability to be polite to strangers while being friendly toward others.

He had been born without magic, but his mother had taught him everything she knew about using those gifts in service to others, as well as to oneself. And so it was no surprise that when Jaskier looked at Geralt for the first time after their fight he immediately felt like they were kindred souls. Geralt seemed to have the same thirst for knowledge and experience that Jaskier had – just as he needed someone to lean on to make it through each day.

And they became fast friends, despite the fact that Geralt wasn’t exactly welcoming to new people. They had known each other long enough to know how to get past that; and even if things weren’t exactly going as planned that didn’t really matter anymore, because as long as they worked together, they could do anything.

They both started off small, and made money quickly. By the end of the year both were very well established, and they found themselves with more than enough funds to continue expanding.

It took them another couple years, but one night during some kind of festival, their friendship changed, not entirely for the better."

Now, was it a good idea for a story? Well, I think it made the beginning of something with potential. Could it develop into a fully fledged Netflix film? Maybe not, but it still has potential. And I didn't even write a thing besides the title.


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